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Para Gliding and Powered Para Gliding.

Powered Para Gliding

I remember reading once, about flying where the writer said “Imagine driving down the road at 100 kph and pulling back on the wheel – nothing much happens” in reference to the magic that happens when one pulls back on the stick or wheel in an aircraft. PPG does not have a wheel – but it’s similar. The roar of the engine and prop spinning close, the rush, the run and suddenly in the air with the ground dropping away below.

Great news – my new para glider is in Auckland, I have just paid the GST to NZ Customs and it will be here early next week. Awesome!

Greater news – it’s arrived, I’ve flown it and like it a lot. It launches so much easier, and in the air it moved around a lot, but it was a thermic sort of day so I don’t know how the Presta would have gone. Anyway I am very pleased with it and hope that I get to do lots of flying under it.

Bad news – had a bad para blender and damaged the lines on one side – I need a full line set (up to the first cascades anyway) to get it back in the air again.

PS. My first flight on it was flight no 98, two more to hit 100. I think that would be a good reason for a party. OK I’ve had flight 100 — it was great, so was flight 99 — still got to do the party thing.

Snippets and Pictures.

“The road less travelled sure got a lot of stones” — Everlast.

Snippets Found | Images Found | Images Taken

Benalia Engineering Ltd.

I am a PLC code developer, maintainer and sometime handy man and whipping boy, Benalia Engineering Ltd (BEL) and Innovative Control Group Ltd (ICG) are whom I work for.

belnzl.com | icg.co.nz

PT Vale Indonesia – Travel, Job and Pictures.

Feb 22, 2012 – I have finished working on a job for PT Vale Indonesia (was PT Inco). If all goes well I will head over there again end of May for the last unit.

LGS2 – Diary, map and pictures

May 20, 2012 – I am back in Indonesia at Sorowako working on the commissioning of Larona Unit 1.

LGS1 – Diary

What an epic – esp. the last two weeks – I was asked to improve the response of the units to minimize frequency deviations and it was hard and very stressful work. Flying back home from Bali tomorrow – going to be a long trip again. I should be enjoying myself here but have instead been swamped by the stress of the last two weeks. I’ll be pleased to get back home.


Personal Log


For testing textile and html.



This is a bit of a mash up, read about it on the about page.


“What this reveals is your remarkable penchant for making shit up. For all of existence, there is an internal narrative upon which you cling, a story you construct minute-by-minute to assure yourself that you understand what is happening.” — youarenotsosmart.com.